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I wanted to create a collective of events with other healers and practitioners as a way to bring many modalities to more people. One thing that I’m passionate about is learning things so that I can share the knowledge. I LOVE to support other small businesses so it’s a win-win when I host workshops that collaborate with others. My hope is that these workshops light up your soul, help you step more into your truth and bring peace into your life.

- Sun, Jan 28Lunar New Year WorkshopHarness the power of the 2024 Wood Dragon Year! Discover the magic of the Lunar New Year VIRTUALLY with Feng Shui and Flower Essence experts (and Mystical Mavens) Alejandra Brady and Heather Elkins. Dive into an immersive journey of self-discovery, manifestation, and wealth attraction.
- Tue, Dec 06The Heather Radke Holistics StudioJoin The HRH Studio as I host Dr. Brett Martin as he shares insightful practices to alleviate stress, anxiety and blues through herbs, supplements and natural medicine.
- Sun, Jul 10The Heather Radke Holistics StudioJoin me as I host Alexandria Noell at my Studio as we bring in the Capricorn Full Moon in a circle style workshop honoring the Mother energy of the moon cycles. Tap in to your higher self as we celebrate the progress on our paths individually and collectively. This will be a potent + powerful time.
- Sun, Jun 26The Heather Radke Holistics StudioJoin me as I host Alexandria Noell at my Studio as we learn all things journaling with the moon cycles. Learn about the 3 Feminine Archetypes associated with the moon and how to bring your intentions to the world. There will be a guided meditation and other fun surprises.
- Fri, May 13Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Heather Radke for an Illumination Breathwork Ceremony to help you remove what no longer serves you so that you can call in light and your higher self.
- Sun, Feb 27Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Heather Radke & Alejandra Brady for a workshop on all things Feng Shui & Flower Essences. They can both enhance balance and harmony in your life and help you see clutter and unresolved emotions in a new way. This workshop will give you tools to welcome ALL forms of abundance into your life.
- Sun, Feb 20Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Heather Radke along with Candle Artisan, Christina Arenas from Blue Sage Eco Boutique for a beautiful evening to begin (or deepen) your meditation practice. We will walk you through an energy balancing chakra ritual as well as teach you how to candle gaze as a form of self care.
- Sat, Feb 05Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Heather Radke & Alejandra Brady for a workshop on all things Manifesting Abundance. Both Feng Shui & Flower Essences enhance balance and harmony which must be in place. This workshop will give you tools and tips to welcome ALL forms of abundance into your life.
- Sun, Jan 23Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Heather Radke & Alejandra Brady for a workshop on all things Manifesting Abundance. Both Feng Shui & Flower Essences enhance balance and harmony which must be in place. This workshop will give you tools and tips to welcome ALL forms of abundance into your life.
- Tue, Dec 21Luminous Healing Arts CenterCome and breathe as 2021 comes to a close. Breathwork truly has the ability to sweep out the density in your life . We have the capacity to illuminate anything that doesn't serve us any longer and let it go. Use the code HalfOffHolidays for 50% off as a gift from me. Must purchase by 12/18.
- Sun, Dec 12Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Alex Martin and Heather Radke to create your own Smoke Cleansing Bundle right during the Holidays to keep your space and self cleansed of density. We will begin with a heart centered Sacred Cacao Ceremony to honor nature and the elements.
- Sun, Dec 12Luminous Healing Arts CenterJoin Alex Martin and Heather Radke to create your own Smoke Cleansing Bundle right during the Holidays to keep your space and self cleansed of density. We will begin with a heart centered Sacred Cacao Ceremony to honor nature and the elements.
- Thu, Dec 02Amour + Light StudioIn this workshop, Heather Radke along with the Amour + Light girls... we will illuminate all things self love to round out 2021. Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Guided Meditation, Oracle Reading + Creating your own Flower Elixir are where it's at.
- Sat, Oct 30Luminous Healing Arts CenterUse the breath as a way to spook out all that no longer serves you in this powerful ceremony. Reclaim your power, confidence and voice. Leave lighter, brighter & clearer.
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