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Feng Shui & Flower Essences - Manifest Abundance

Sat, Feb 05


Luminous Healing Arts Center

Join Heather Radke & Alejandra Brady for a workshop on all things Manifesting Abundance. Both Feng Shui & Flower Essences enhance balance and harmony which must be in place. This workshop will give you tools and tips to welcome ALL forms of abundance into your life.

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Feng Shui & Flower Essences - Manifest Abundance
Feng Shui & Flower Essences - Manifest Abundance

Time & Location

Feb 05, 2022, 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Luminous Healing Arts Center, 5701 Interbay Blvd #A1, Tampa, FL 33611, USA

About the Event

is a who works with clients to assist in bringing them back to wholeness and rediscovering the truth of who they are. She uses modalities such as breathwork, meditations, energy work and sound healing to enhance her private sessions. Each client leaves with a custom blended . Heather also holds sacred breathwork and cacao ceremonies for groups at her Healing Arts Center where this workshop will take place.Heather RadkeFlower Essence Alchemist & Holistic PractitionerFlower Elixir

has been of homes for nearly 20 years. She became a to enhance her high end design success with the principles of Feng Shui. This truly creates balance and harmony in the hearts and homes of her clients. With Feng Shui, lifestyle and well being are enhanced as well, which is a welcome bonus. Alejandra is also a and this knowledge assists in accessorizing beautiful, harmonious and high vibrational homes.Certified Crystal HealerAlejandra BradyDesigning the InteriorsFeng Shui Practitioner

In this workshop:

  • will be using the as a guide. The bagua map is like a blueprint of the different energy centers within your home, and each corresponds with specific colors, shapes, elements, and areas of life. This will help you hone in to any areas where you may have blocks to abundance. You will leave with a beautiful to take notes and also track adjustments that you make in your home as well as the improvements you discover. You will leave confident and empowered to move forward and call in abundance. AlejandraFeng Shui - Bagua MapFeng Shui Journal

  • We will be working with Everyone will pull a card and get an interpretation of the card and how it may be assisting or potentially blocking abundance in your life. You will leave with an energy cleansing handcrafted by Heather. The base of the Aura Mist has a proprietary blend of essential oils and flowers essences that will clear imbalances in your home. Yours will be enhanced and activated with the exact Flower Essence of the card that you pulled.Heather's''.Spark the Spirit - Flower Essence Oracle DeckAura Mist

  • Doors open at 1:45 (15 minutes prior to start of workshop). And close at workshop start time (2:00 p.m.).

  • We will provide floor Chair Jack seating. Dress comfortably. 

  • Please bring a bottle of water.

We are excited about this collaboration and can't wait to assist each of you in calling in abundance into every area of your life. SUPER

Xoxo, Heather & Alejandra 


  • Feng Shui & Flower Essences

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