I used to always wonder what to do with my flowers near the end of their enjoyability and then one day I ran out of face mist and it got me wondering. How hard could it be to make my own? As it turns out, not hard at all! And I’m here to share the love ya’ll cause red roses equal love right?
Rose water has stood the test of time in the beauty industry. It’s skin softening, anti-inflammatory and super hydrating. Emotionally, it is known to be stress relieving and relaxing. And let’s be honest it is associated with love. And if you don’t have a partner, self love is hot right now... totally necessary to have self love with or without another..

Rose water has stood the test of time in the beauty industry. It’s skin softening, anti-inflammatory and super hydrating.
Here’s my DIY recipe for your own Rosy Glow Face Mist:
1. Use 7 Roses (preferably organic and not sprayed with pesticides).
2. Pull the petals off of the stems. You can do this one at a time or firmly hold base of rose and twist off.
3. Give the petals a rinse.
4. Place them in a medium saucepan and put just enough water to cover them. Push them down into water so they all get wet.
5. Bring the water to a boil then turn it to simmer. Cover for 20 minutes. The roses will become very pale.
6. Remove from heat and strain into a stainless steel bowl. I don’t use any plastic as heat leeches toxic chemicals. Even if a plastic is BPA free, I still prefer stainless steel.
7. Let the Rose Water cool.
8. Use a funnel and pour the water into a 4 oz glass spray bottle. I like to use a sprayer that has a fine mist.
9. Add 11 drops of a great quality Rose Oil. You can also use a blend like Rose & Ylang Ylang or Rose & Lavender. I like just straight rose. To mix, place the bottle in your hands and roll back and forth to get the oils to gently stir in.
10. Add the remaining water to a jar and refrigerate. Or if you’re feeling generous, use the rest to make gifts. This water is just pure rose water and doesn’t have the essential oils yet. I always add those once the rose water is bottled.
Enjoy this smell good concoction! I already ran out. Time to make it again.
Xoxo, Heather