Create your own vibe too!!
We all may feel like we need to make appointments for people to “fix” us, and that is great to be open to the idea of change. Shifts can also come when we can genuinely sit with ourselves long enough to have the inner knowing that WE are our own gurus sometimes. No one knows us like ourselves right?
Honestly, when is the last time you gave yourself the opportunity to do the shadow work? The deep down stuff that’s yucky and hard to handle. I promise, if we just hold off on running away from the tough stuff, we will see that the healing is right inside.
There’s the saying and I’m sure that you’ve heard it, “Energy flows where attention goes.” Right? You’ve maybe caught or a version of it somewhere along you journey. Let’s think about that. If we focus on what’s thriving in our life, we may not feel a lack. If we put our energy into not letting go of something, we are probably going to feel stuck.

There’s the saying and I’m sure that you’ve heard it, “Energy flows where attention goes.” Right? You’ve maybe caught or a version of it somewhere along you journey.
We CAN do the work. The first place to start is in our spaces, homes, offices or where ever you can go within to do the work. Create a little spot where you can bring in some elements of the earth like I have in my photo. I feel so balanced when I can see and feel nature like like in the 5 elements of Feng Shui. (More on that soon, I promise!)
Here are a few things that might help you ground and re-center yourself to feel relaxed enough to just listen to your souls calling:
Create your space and do a little breath work. Here’s an easy one. Take 8 counts on in inhale. Hold for 7. Release for 6. Repeat 8 times. This calms down your nervous system. Or, find a rhythm that feels right for you. Just breathe with awareness. I am breathing in, I am holding and I am breathing out. Sometimes if we talk ourselves through it, we don’t make a to do list for tomorrow. Get in the moment.
Take an epsom salt bath. Use very warm water but not too hot. Hot water will make ya sweaty and all detoxy! Warm to very warm helps you clear your energy field and release negative emotions.
Search on You Tube for 528 Hz Music. This frequency is the most significant of the ancient Solfeggio Frequencies. Known as the “love” frequency, it has a deep-rooted relationship with nature and love. My tv always has Hz music going. You may find that taping into self love will help you uncover what’s going on.
Consider a guided meditation. There are a gazillion, if you know what you want to resolve is around anxiety let’s say… then search You Tube for “guided meditation for anxiety”, and then go with the one that feels right.
There! You are your own guru now. Honestly though, give yourself a chance to just get to know yourself. Create a space or environment that helps you take a little mental break from everything else. Having said all of this, if you have a mental condition or a health concern, do not be your own guru. Use the right professionals that are there to help you.
Otherwise, I am sending you a boatload of 528 Hz!
Xoxo, Heather