I learned this from a friend and Feng Shui Practitioner and Interior Decorator, Alejandra Brady. I will introduce her to you guys soon. Know this, she’s a fire house. Pun totally intended. Not only does she design homes well, her knowledge of energy and space can turn a mucky space, MAGICAL.
Using Epsom salts can help clear stagnant or negative energy from your home or any space. It’s a powerful Feng Shui cure to clear and shift energy after an illness, a fight, a party, too much laziness… you name it. If it feels yucky. Move that energy. Oh, and make sure to open a door in every room you do a salt burn in because we want that energy to go OUT the door. Bye Bye!
I have experienced huge shifts by doing a salt burn. The one in the picture is in my home office. I spend so much time in there that I find myself almost drained. Yes, I might even be too much for ME. Sassiness is exhausting. At any rate this is a great way to wake me up, help me feel invigorated and literally light a fire to help me get back my power.

Using Epsom salts can help clear stagnant or negative energy from your home or any space. It’s a powerful Feng Shui cure to clear and shift energy after an illness, a fight, a party, too much laziness…
There are a few ways you can do a salt burn depending on who you ask. Some use alcohol in the form 91 percent isopropyl alcohol. Alejandra uses 150% proof Rum. You also need epsom salts, a match or long candle lighter and a heat resistant dish. I personally like to use the little black iron one with feet because I think it’s cute. Otherwise, I put a fire resistant dish in an old pot to sit on the floor. In that case, I do use a trivet underneath.
You can find more about it if you find Ali on Instagram, she even has a how to video about Salt Burning on her IGTV. Learn it from the pro.
Happy space clearing.
Xo, Heather